CV english

Florian Ploberger MD, B. Ac., MA

Born in the year of the Yin Water Ox 1973.


Main fields:
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Tibetan Medicine.

Medical studies and internship in Vienna, study of acupuncture at the Austrian Society of Acupuncture and Auriculotherapy in 1996; three years of TCM studies with Claude Diolosa until 1998; Bachelor in Acupuncture from K. S. University in the USA 1999; four semesters of Sinology studies and 51 study and research visits (partly lasting several months) to China (TCM University in Beijing, TCM University in Chengdu), India (LTWA – Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, Men-Tsee-Khang (Institute of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology of H.H. the XIVth Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, North India)) and Nepal. 2012 Master of Tibetology at the University of Vienna.

Works as a TCM doctor in Vienna and Baden.

International teaching activity and numerous publications in the subject areas TCM (e.g. the book “Westliche Kräuter aus Sicht der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin” published in its 9th edition (also available in English language titled “Western Herbs from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective”) and Tibetan Medicine. The book „Western and Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs“ is currently being translated into English. Numerous articles in German-language as well as English-language professional journals, “peer reviewer” for Asian Medicine (ASME) and „American Journal of Chinese Medicine“.

New book publication in autumn 2023:
KRANK oder GESUND – Wie man es sehen, Editor Florian Ploberger, BACOPA Verlag.

Editorial Board Membership:
2018 he was accepted as a member of the editorial board of the „International Journal of Chinese Medicine“, and in 2019 he joined the editorial board of the „American Journal of Chinese Medicine“.

National and International Membership:
President of the ÖAGTCM (Austrian Educational Society for Traditional Chinese Medicine). Founding member of the AMATM (Austrian Medical Association for Tibetan Medicine). Member of SKI (Sorig Khang International), EASAS (European Association for South Asian Studies) and IASTAM (International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine), ”Executive Committee Member” of the WFCMS (World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies).
In 2016 he was appointed as one of the directors of “the Alliance of Research and Development of Traditional Medicine, Complementary Medicine and Integrative Medicine” by the Fudan University, Shanghai.
From 2020 member of the umbrella association for TCM in Austria, since 2023 spokesman for the AGTCM “Western Herbs” working group and since 2024 member of the Department for Complementary and Integrative Medicine of the Medical Association for Vienna.

Lectures or teaching activities:
Since 2007 university lecturer on various subjects of Tibetan Medicine at the Institute of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (ISTB) of the University of Vienna. In the course of these activities he was able to invite the anthropologist Dr. Barbara Gerke as well as renowned Tibetan physicians to give guest lectures at the university. For example Dr. Dawa, Dr. Namgyal Qusar, Dr. Tsultrim Kalsang, Dr. Teinlay P. Trogawa, Dr. Wangdue and astrologist Dr. Tsering Choezom were guest lecturers.
2007 invited by the Men-Tsee-Khang to lecture at their institute.
In the summer semester 2010 teaching activity at the “Institute of South and Central Asia” of the Prague St. Charles University for one term, 2011 holding a guest lecture at the Institute of Eastern Asian Sciences of the University of Vienna / department of sinology, 2012-18 annual guest lecture at the Medical University of Vienna in the context of the series of lectures on complementary medicine, 2014 four lectures on “Western Herbs from the TCM Perspective” on invitation of the Austrian Pharmacist Chamber as well as a lecture at the Institute of Social Anthropology of the Austrian Academy of the Sciences (ÖAW). 2017 a guest lecture at the Institute of Indologie and Central Asian Studies of the University of Leipzig, Germany.
In 2018 he began his lecturing activities at the FH Campus Vienna (master’s program Holistic Therapy and Salutogenesis (Health Care) on Tibetan Medicine. Here he also worked as Master Thesis Supervisor (MSc). One year later he began teaching at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna in the module „Complementary Medicine“ in the context of dentistry-studies on Tibetan Medicine, and in winter semester 2019/2020 he began teaching „Western Herbs from the TCM Perspective“ at the Faculty of Human Medicine of the Sigmund Freud University.
In 2022 teaching activity at the University for Continuing Education Krems as part of the university course „Evidence-based phytotherapy in practical application“.
In 2024, he began lecturing on the topic of „Far Eastern Therapies“ in the Austrian Medical Association (ÖÄK) diploma course „Concomitant Cancer Treatment“ as well as lecturing for the Department of Integrative Medicine of the NÖ Austrian Medical Association and the Department of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine of the Styria Medical Association.

Conference Presentations:
Additional lecturing activity at various international congresses, for example 2012 at the 12th ICOM Congress in Seoul/South Korea, 2014 at the “3rd International Congress on Traditional Tibetan Medicine” in Kathmandu/Nepal as well as chairman of the meeting “Acupuncture” at the Menopause Congress in Vienna (organised by: University Clinic of Gynaecology), 2015 at the “International Workshop on Tibetan Medical Formulas” at the University of Westminster in London / British Academy, at the “Establishing Meeting for the Tibetan Medicine Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies & First Annual Conference on Tibetan Medicine” in Xining, China, as well as at the “4th International Academic Conference on Comparison of Traditional and Modern Medicine“ in Yunnan, China. 2016 at the “14th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies” in Bergen, Norway, as well as the “5th International Academic Conference on Comparison of Traditional and Modern Medicine“ in Xingyi, China. 2017 at the “5th International Congress on Sowa Rigpa” in Kathmandu as well as the „9th International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines“ (ICTAM IX) in Kiel, Germany, as well as at the “6th International Academic Conference on Comparison of Traditional and Modern Medicine“ in Nanning, Guangxi Province, China. In Nanning he was elected as one of the directors of the academic committee.
2018 at the “5th International Seminar of Young Tibetologists” (ISYT) at the St. Petersburg University, Russia.
In 2019 he was invited among others to give presentations at congresses in Bangkok / Thailand, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia.
2022 at the “16th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies” in Prague, Czech Republic and 2024 at the „10th International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines“ (ICTAM X) in Taipei, Taiwan.

rgyud bzhi-translation:
2009 officially commissioned by Dr. Dawa, the Men-Tsee-Khang director at the time, in consultation with the “Health Department” of the Tibetan exile government, to translate the first two parts of the most significant work of Tibetan Medicine (rgyud bzhi) into the German language. This text, which meanwhile was published under the German title “Wurzeltantra und Tantra der Erklärungen”, has been serving as the basic text in the training of Tibetan medical practitioners since the 12th century, and is still being memorised today.
2011 commissioned by Dr. Tamdin, the Men-Tsee-Khang director at the time, to translate the subsequent part of the rgyud bzhi. (Published 2015 under the title “Das letzte Tantra aus die vier Tantra der Tibetischen Medizin”).
2017 commissioned by director Mr. Tashi Tsering Phuri to translate the first 27 chapters of the third part of this important text. (Published 2021 under the title “Das Tantra der mündlichen Überlieferung der vier Tantras der Tibetischen Medizin, 1. Teil).

Online lectures:
Starting in 2020, more than 90 webinars were recorded for Das Zentrum. For example on the topics: „Tumor Diseases – Prevention, Therapy and Convalescence“, „Burn Out from the Perspective of TCM“, „Face diagnosis“, „Pulse diagnosis“, „Tongue diagnosis“, „Western herbs from the perspective of TCM“, „TCM symptoms – all five elements“, „Hay fever“, „Healthy mindset“, „Back pain from the perspective of TCM“, „Bladder infections from the perspective of TCM“, „Coffee, nicotine & alcohol from the perspective of TCM“, „Tinnitus“, „Sleep disorders“, etc.

Podcast “Change – Inspiration für den Wandel”:
Starting in 2022, a Podcast was launched together with Mike Mandl. The first discussion partners were Gerhard Zoubek, Ingrid Marth, Dr. Georg Fraberger, Dr. Herbert Schwabl, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Karl-Heinz Steinmetz, ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Renée Schroeder, Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther, Dr. Lothar Krenner, Prof. Dr. Mag. Gertrude Kubiena, Mike Mandl, Prof. (FH) Priv.-Doz. Gerhard Tucek, Angela Cooper, MBA; Mag. Anita Natmeßnig and Dr. Martin Prein. Videos of the Podcasts.

Award winner of the “Lebensweise” prize 2013 in the category Science and Medicine.

May all sentient beings be happy
and free from suffering.
May all sentient beings not be separated
from bliss and abide in equanimity.